Thursday, 23 October 2014

Wacky Week 1 and 2

Week 1

Monday: To start off the term, we had a whole school Powhiri. The Kapa Haka group sang a song in front of the school. Mrs Hanson (Ms Falkner) taught us some really fun art called "Through my camera". The whole class worked on them really hard and now they look great!

Tuesday: In the afternoon we did athletics. We started with long jump and finished with shot put. We also did our daily routine of writing, reading and maths. For writing, we started planning our narratives. For reading, we started our new text on fiction stories. And for maths, we started learning about fractions.

Wednesday: The time our class was all waiting for was the announcement of what bunk room we were in for camp. We had at least 1 friend in our bunk rooms and most of us were happy with what the results were. Everybody is excited for camp.

Thursday: We went to the hall for singing. We sounded amazing altogether. Some people got house points for singing exceptionally well. Once again we did what we always do. Maths, reading and writing.

Friday: We did athletics again but this time we did relays and high jump. Speaking of relays, Mrs Hanson put a twist to it. We had to crab dance, run backwards, grape vine, side step, and had to run properly. For high jump, we played last man standing, but time ran out and we had to run back to class.

Week 2

Monday: We did our 4 pieces of art in 4 days. We started this with koru art, where you use koru to make a picture. Then we did our maths PAT test. Most people got very high scores which is good for our classes' reputation.

Tuesday: We kept doing the 4 pieces of art in 4 days. This time we did a 1/4 circle coloured in with hot and cold colours. Some people went to sports extension and they missed out on art. We also did discus and sprints for athletics.

Wednesday: We did our reading PAT test. More than 1/2 the class got top points. We continued our pieces of art by Printmaking, where you go around the school finding different textures to trace with crayon. Then you cut out your favourite pieces and glue them to a big sheet of paper.

Thursday: We had a assembly with Mrs Howison so she could give away the ICAS, AMT, and OPS awards. A special mention to Ryota Niwa from Rm 26 for getting nearly every question right with a total of 23/25.

Friday: Don't really know what's going on because today is Friday!

So that's what's been going on in Rm 27 these 2 weeks :)

By Robert D and Triny

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