Wednesday 27 August 2014

Innovation Inquiry

As part of this term's focus on 'innovation', your child will be working on an innovation inquiry as part of their home learning. They were VERY keen to do an at-home inquiry, so I have allowed them to do this. We will be working on a different inquiry in class as part of our learning.

They filled out a form in Week 4 which outlines their inquiry, this should have been stuck into their homework book.

At school, we came up with a whole lot of different innovations (e.g. telephone, medicine, vehicles etc), then each student picked something they wanted to learn more about. They then came up with a question that they wanted to find the answer to. Some students have chosen to work alone; some in pairs and others in groups of 3. The expectation is that the more students in the group, the more work that should be there. They can present it in any way they choose.

We have been learning how to summarise information in our own words, by using 'headings' and 'trigger words'. This will enable the students to clearly understand the information they are researching.

As this is a self-directed inquiry the focus is very much on the students managing their time and their resources. We will be doing some work on it in class but the majority of the research needs to be completed at home.

It is really important that this is not a stress at home. It is merely an opportunity for the students to find out more about something they are interested in.

We will be presenting our inquiries to the class on Thursday 11th September (Week 8).

Please let me know if you have any questions.

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