Thursday 20 March 2014

Awesome week 7

Welcome to epic Week 7. On Tuesday we did turbo touch we played crazy tag where everyone is in and if you get tagged you have to sit down and when the person who tagged you sits down, you stand up and run. If you tag someone at the same time you play paper scissors rock if you lose you have to sit down but if you win you continue playing.

On Wednesday and Thursday Whero did their oral language. we listened to lots of fantastic poems everyone put in lots of effort. GOOD WORK WHERO!!!!!!!!

This Wednesday we did onomatopoeia art first we had 5 minutes to write as many sounds as possible and then we chose our favourite 3 and choose 1 that we were going to make art out of. For e.g. BOOM, SPLAT and BANG.

On Thursday sadly the fabulous and beautiful Miss Falkner was away but we had the magnificent Mrs Glasson relieving us. She read us a cool book about Luther and the cloud makers it is based on stopping pollution and the consequences from it. Then we did an enjoyable quiz on the book.

On Thursday we held assembly the hosts were James M and Niamh C it was very fun. We also had  Maddie and Issy as our weather reporters and quite a few sports reporters.The people who got certificates are: Jordyn Tyler and Piper.

On Thursday Triny, Beth, Kate, Bella, and Estella went to zones swimming sports at Jelly park they all tried their hardest and did really well. An extra congratulations to Triny who is going to Cantubarys WELL DONE GIRLS!!!

by Niamh and Dominic

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